Monday, March 3, 2025

Accepting Responsibility



فَلَوْلَآ أَنَّهُۥ كَانَ مِنَ ٱلْمُسَبِّحِينَ ١٤٣

Prophet Jonah (Yunus عليه السلام) was caught in a storm, thrown overboard, and swallowed by a fish, as he was blameworthy. He was running away from a mission. He remained inside the fish for three days, and then he was granted relief. The reason for the relief was that he was doing 'tasbeeh' of Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى‎  when caught in that situation. After being delivered on the shore, and health restored, he was sent on a mission to a hundred thousand or more. They believed and thus were saved from Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى 's punishment. 

The word 'tasbeeh' means declaring that Allah is free from any imperfection. In Prophet Jonah's situation, he thought that he should not be asked to preach to the sinful people, of which was perhaps the most sinful and largest city of its time, in the world. He didn't consider them worthy of being saved. Yet, Allah knew what was in their hearts. He knew that it was worth trying to save them. He commanded Jonah to go as His Messenger, and to inform them that they have only forty days before their punishment comes. They believed, repented, fasted, abstained, and made amends. Therefore, they were saved from the punishment.  

Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى‎  is perfect in His Justice. He does not punish people without just cause. He gives everyone enough opportunities and time to repent and do acts of reform. Also, Allah does not compel people to believe. Many nations have been punished and annihilated when they refused to believe the Messengers of Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى‎ , and failed to undertake the required acts of reform. 

Those who have been granted guidance by Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى , they have a duty to preach to others. They have to inform people about Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى and His perfect justice, endorsing the lawful, decent, recognised (maroof), and forbidding the unlawful, wicked, unrecognised (munkar), while remaining within their limits of authority. People in power and position can legislate accordingly and enforce it as well, ordinary citizens can advise but not compel the general public, yet those who have been placed under their care, be it children or employees, they should try to do what they can to help them save themselves. Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى knows who to grant guidance to, and who will willingly submit, yet we must do our part. 

There is a famous Hadith [1] attributed to Prophet Muhammad  that when a town was about to be destroyed, the punishment came upon its most religious person first as his face never displayed displeasure for Allah's sake. Another Hadith [2] is about punishment befalling people for not stopping the wrongdoer from doing wrong. (references below

Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى intends no injustice towards anyone. We must strive to establish Allah's Deen. Worship of Allah only, social justice, and peace are all linked together in one grand scheme. 

Various translators translate the word for the one who does tasbeeh variously: 

Had he not ˹constantly˺ glorified ˹Allah˺,[1]

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran

[1] Before being swallowed and while inside the whale (see 21:87). The lesson is: good deeds are of great help during difficult times.

And had he not been of those who exalt Allāh,

— Saheeh International

Had he not been of those who proclaim Allah’s purity,

— T. Usmani

If he had not been one of those who glorified God,

— M.A.S. Abdel Haleem

Had he not been one of those who glorify Allah,1

— A. Maududi (Tafhim commentary)

[1]It has two meanings and both are implied: (1) That the Prophet Jonah (peace be upon him) was not of the people who are heedless of God, but was of those who glorify and adore Allah constantly and perpetually. (2) That when he went inside the fish, he turned to Allah alone and glorified Him. In Surah Al-Anbiya it has been said: He invoked Us from the depths of the darkness, saying: There is no god but You: Glory be to You: I am indeed blameworthy. (verse 87).

And had he not been one of those who glorify (Allah)

— M. Pickthall

Had it not been that he (repented and) glorified Allah,

— A. Yusuf Ali

Had he not been of them who glorify Allâh,

— Al-Hilali & Khan

۔ اب اگر وہ تسبیح کرنے والوں میں سے نہ ہوتا

— Fe Zilal al-Qur'an

اب اگر وہ تسبیح کرنے والوں میں سے نہ ہوتا 1

— Tafheem e Qur'an - Syed Abu Ali Maududi

[1] اس کے دو مطلب ہیں اور دونوں ہی مراد ہیں ۔ ایک  مطلب یہ ہے کہ حضرت یونس علیہ السلام پہلے ہی خدا سے غافل لوگوں میں سے نہ تھے ،  بلکہ ان لوگوں میں سے تھے جو دائماً اللہ کی تسبیح کرنے والے ہیں ۔ دوسرے یہ کہ جب  وہ مچھلی کے پیٹ میں پہنچے تو انہوں نے اللہ ہی کی طرف رجوع کیا اور اس کی تسبیح  کی۔ سورہ انبیا میں ارشاد ہوا ہے فَنَا دٰ ی فِی  الظُّلُمٰتِ اَن ْ لَّآ اِلٰہَ اِلَّا اَنْتَ سُبْحَا نَکَ اِنِّی کُنْتُ مِنِ  الظَّا لِمِیْنَ ۔ پس  ان تاریکیوں میں اس نے پکارا ’’ نہیں ہے کوئی خدا مگر تو، پاک ہے تیری ذات ،بے شک  میں قصور وار ہوں ۔‘‘

پھر اگر وہ (خدا کی) پاکی بیان نہ کرتے

— Fatah Muhammad Jalandhari

تو اگر وہ تسبیح کرنے والوں میں سے نہ ہوتا۔

— بیان القرآن (ڈاکٹر اسرار احمد)

پھر اگر نہ ہوتی یہ بات کہ وہ یاد کرتا تھا پاک ذات کو

— Shaykh al-Hind Mahmud al-Hasan(with Tafsir E Usmani)

پس اگر یہ پاکی بیان کرنے والوں میں سے نہ ہوتے.

— Maulana Muhammad Junagarhi

Ab agar woh tasbeeh karne walon mein se na hota to

— Abul Ala Maududi(Roman Urdu)

پس اگر وہ تسبیح کرنے والوں میں سے نہ ہوتا

— Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

[Al-Quran 37:143]

Hadith References: 



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