Friday, December 19, 2008
All-loving Perfect God?
Question: Why did an all-loving God create such a mess? The question, for me, leads logically to three possible conclusions: (1) He is not the Creator God to begin with; (2) He created a perfect world but another powerful entity (the Bible says that Satan is the prince of this world) took over and fouled things up, or (3) God, the Creator, is Himself imperfect.
Answer: Ever considered a software, or perhaps a still easier analogy, a video game, how it is designed and how it responds to the players' inputs? You see, the software designer engineers a set of possibilities which are programmed in a set of ‘if’ ‘elseif’ ‘else’ conditions or ‘while’ ‘do while’ ‘for’ 'next' loops knowing very well all the possible choices the player can possibly make, and even though the game evolves in exactly the same pattern as it was designed, yet, it is coloured in the choices made by the player. The player has no power over the result of his choices, but he does have a limited power to make the right choices. The perfect game that he plays, or the mess he creates is based on his own aptitude, and does not reflect the perfection/imperfectness of the designer. If the game crashed, gave an unknown error, then the programmer is flawed, but if the game continues till the end, then the programmer has done a very good job incorporating and designing around all possible user inputs. That our world continues, that inspite of all the evil perpetrated by humans upon humans, life goes on, and good things still happen, and all in all, everything continues till such a time as is prophesized that it will come to an end, all indicates a perfect designer. But, He tells us that this is no mere sport, that there is a purpose behind this world and this life, and beyond what we’ve been told, we will be acquainted with the reality of it in the Hereafter. Till then, we just have to trust Him, and wait……….He will tell us when the time is right, or so I guess!
And as far as Satan being the prince is concerned, well, like us He is also allowed to make His choices, but actually everything happens exactly according to the Divine plan….we can only make choices, whether we are humans or genies.
Have you seen the movie, Matrix? Sometimes I think perhaps we are simply plugged in here like in the movie!
Answer: Ever considered a software, or perhaps a still easier analogy, a video game, how it is designed and how it responds to the players' inputs? You see, the software designer engineers a set of possibilities which are programmed in a set of ‘if’ ‘elseif’ ‘else’ conditions or ‘while’ ‘do while’ ‘for’ 'next' loops knowing very well all the possible choices the player can possibly make, and even though the game evolves in exactly the same pattern as it was designed, yet, it is coloured in the choices made by the player. The player has no power over the result of his choices, but he does have a limited power to make the right choices. The perfect game that he plays, or the mess he creates is based on his own aptitude, and does not reflect the perfection/imperfectness of the designer. If the game crashed, gave an unknown error, then the programmer is flawed, but if the game continues till the end, then the programmer has done a very good job incorporating and designing around all possible user inputs. That our world continues, that inspite of all the evil perpetrated by humans upon humans, life goes on, and good things still happen, and all in all, everything continues till such a time as is prophesized that it will come to an end, all indicates a perfect designer. But, He tells us that this is no mere sport, that there is a purpose behind this world and this life, and beyond what we’ve been told, we will be acquainted with the reality of it in the Hereafter. Till then, we just have to trust Him, and wait……….He will tell us when the time is right, or so I guess!
And as far as Satan being the prince is concerned, well, like us He is also allowed to make His choices, but actually everything happens exactly according to the Divine plan….we can only make choices, whether we are humans or genies.
Have you seen the movie, Matrix? Sometimes I think perhaps we are simply plugged in here like in the movie!
video game,
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Scientific accuracy of the hadith
Question: Well done! A fascinating exposition. Do the Hadith also contain examples?
Answer: Hadith are books written by humans........ they are prone to a lot of errors and memory lapses; scholars try to sift out the authentic, but even then, again its human work and subject to errors. Can't take it as an article of faith. I personally feel that since we have the Quran in its original form, why not concentrate on getting all spiritual information from it first, and then diversify to other books. Having been born in a muslim family, I've been blessed to have the Quran in my life all along, and I still find it to be an inexhaustible source of knowledge; as I age, and hopefully grow 'wiser', I continue to keep learning more and more from the same verses....... its just amazing how this book addresses all mental levels, and continues to fascinate and educate. Thus, I choose not to diversify yet. I do keep hearing different hadiths, I do read up books about the Prophet and his times, but I do know that all these are works of history, and just that.
Answer: Hadith are books written by humans........ they are prone to a lot of errors and memory lapses; scholars try to sift out the authentic, but even then, again its human work and subject to errors. Can't take it as an article of faith. I personally feel that since we have the Quran in its original form, why not concentrate on getting all spiritual information from it first, and then diversify to other books. Having been born in a muslim family, I've been blessed to have the Quran in my life all along, and I still find it to be an inexhaustible source of knowledge; as I age, and hopefully grow 'wiser', I continue to keep learning more and more from the same verses....... its just amazing how this book addresses all mental levels, and continues to fascinate and educate. Thus, I choose not to diversify yet. I do keep hearing different hadiths, I do read up books about the Prophet and his times, but I do know that all these are works of history, and just that.
God: unexplainable?
[Quote] i do not think anyone can really "explain", in any intellectual fashion, the "unexplainable" and whatever "god is" strikes me as something outside the dimensions of reality we can understand or really even grasp........some have developed neat constructs that satisfy them and sound good....[EndQuote]
Answer: We muslims believe the same thing: that God is unexplainable, He is nothing that we can begin to imagine or grasp or explain, that He is not like anything. Chapter 112 titled Al-Ikhlas [Absoluteness] reads: Say: He is Allah, the One! Allah, the eternally Besought of all! He begetteth not nor was begotten. And there is none comparable unto Him. [translation by Pickthal]
[Quote] then too, i must be honest with myself, in terms of my motivations for the sorts of work i have done for so long...........i have to question why i chose to do this, for no one made me, and i had no "vision" at some point which said "go and help"........... [EndQuote]
Answer: God has gifted all of us with a conscience, a guide to what is good and what is bad, what is right and what is wrong, and the free-will to choose our actions. The blessed ones among us choose to hear their conscience and choose to do the right thing.
[Quote] then, i read about Mother Teresa and the great emptiness she walked in for decades, feeling abandoned by the One who she felt "sent her to the poor"............perhaps she was just deluded and perhaps i have been also............i will have to give up.........i cannot do it anymore................i too have become empty will kill me to continue..........i do not want R&R........i am getting out and making plans to do is as if there is no oxygen left in the air....... [EndQuote]
Answer: Even the Prophets and mystics have felt like that…….. God chooses when and who, but that is a very rare experience of a very few……….. He wants us to observe all around us and to know that there is somebody who has caused this, and is sustaining this, and wants us to believe inspite of no direct experience of the divine………. That is the test! If God were to reveal Himself to all of us, who then would not believe?? Why we’re being put through this test, I’m sure He knows…………. Though we can get an idea of it by exploring the different holy books, and figuring out what He has to say about it.
[Quote] i realize i am "seared" in heart and mind............i know i have could i not know it? as far as i can tell, all that is left is for my prayer to be be filled with "awe and wonder" "see" beyond what i can see...........this must be some form of "experiential" happening..............but, i cannot "demand" it, since i have no idea on whom i would make the demand..............:)))) [EndQuote]
Answer: Pray to “To whoever is the Creator and Sustainer of ALL” …………. You know how those letters begin: To whom it may concern. I pray that He will show you His way, and He will bless you. Being a muslim, I can’t resist the urge to ask you to atleast do a critical but unbiased reading of the Holy Quran, while waiting for your prayers to be answered.
[Quote] it is no longer possible for me to identify with any "faith"............too late for only answer is to "walk away from it all" and focus on simple things like growing bananas, limes, tropical flowers and fishing off the coast at savanna la mar, jamaica.............. [EndQuote]
Answer: It is never too late……… don’t identify with faith….. just have faith….. that the Beneficent Being who created us loves us and that all that we see is not pointless or mere play, but that there are reasons beyond our knowledge………….. had He not loved us He could and would have made all of those who did not believe in Him or His religion suffer; but that is not what we see………. Rich and poor, healthy and sick, happy and sad, famished and well-fed, all shades of lives are being led by people of all faith……….. all get air to breathe, all get sustenance while alive, all get Earth below and sky above, all get to smell flowers, enjoy colours, see the same stars…………… yes, one would want to alleviate the sufferings of all who suffer, and one must try, but all have been given their own exam sheets, their own strengths and weaknesses, and their own capacity to bear the difficulties and forbearance, we just cannot judge of what we know and understand so little…………. What have the rich, healthy and successful people done to earn that state in which they’re in? Is it their birth-right? No, ofcourse not. We all have our lives to live, to touch others lives with our words and actions, and constantly strive for the better………. And our God-gifted conscience guides us and helps us know what’s right. Have faith, know that He exists, and pray in your heart that He shows you His way!
Answer: We muslims believe the same thing: that God is unexplainable, He is nothing that we can begin to imagine or grasp or explain, that He is not like anything. Chapter 112 titled Al-Ikhlas [Absoluteness] reads: Say: He is Allah, the One! Allah, the eternally Besought of all! He begetteth not nor was begotten. And there is none comparable unto Him. [translation by Pickthal]
[Quote] then too, i must be honest with myself, in terms of my motivations for the sorts of work i have done for so long...........i have to question why i chose to do this, for no one made me, and i had no "vision" at some point which said "go and help"........... [EndQuote]
Answer: God has gifted all of us with a conscience, a guide to what is good and what is bad, what is right and what is wrong, and the free-will to choose our actions. The blessed ones among us choose to hear their conscience and choose to do the right thing.
[Quote] then, i read about Mother Teresa and the great emptiness she walked in for decades, feeling abandoned by the One who she felt "sent her to the poor"............perhaps she was just deluded and perhaps i have been also............i will have to give up.........i cannot do it anymore................i too have become empty will kill me to continue..........i do not want R&R........i am getting out and making plans to do is as if there is no oxygen left in the air....... [EndQuote]
Answer: Even the Prophets and mystics have felt like that…….. God chooses when and who, but that is a very rare experience of a very few……….. He wants us to observe all around us and to know that there is somebody who has caused this, and is sustaining this, and wants us to believe inspite of no direct experience of the divine………. That is the test! If God were to reveal Himself to all of us, who then would not believe?? Why we’re being put through this test, I’m sure He knows…………. Though we can get an idea of it by exploring the different holy books, and figuring out what He has to say about it.
[Quote] i realize i am "seared" in heart and mind............i know i have could i not know it? as far as i can tell, all that is left is for my prayer to be be filled with "awe and wonder" "see" beyond what i can see...........this must be some form of "experiential" happening..............but, i cannot "demand" it, since i have no idea on whom i would make the demand..............:)))) [EndQuote]
Answer: Pray to “To whoever is the Creator and Sustainer of ALL” …………. You know how those letters begin: To whom it may concern. I pray that He will show you His way, and He will bless you. Being a muslim, I can’t resist the urge to ask you to atleast do a critical but unbiased reading of the Holy Quran, while waiting for your prayers to be answered.
[Quote] it is no longer possible for me to identify with any "faith"............too late for only answer is to "walk away from it all" and focus on simple things like growing bananas, limes, tropical flowers and fishing off the coast at savanna la mar, jamaica.............. [EndQuote]
Answer: It is never too late……… don’t identify with faith….. just have faith….. that the Beneficent Being who created us loves us and that all that we see is not pointless or mere play, but that there are reasons beyond our knowledge………….. had He not loved us He could and would have made all of those who did not believe in Him or His religion suffer; but that is not what we see………. Rich and poor, healthy and sick, happy and sad, famished and well-fed, all shades of lives are being led by people of all faith……….. all get air to breathe, all get sustenance while alive, all get Earth below and sky above, all get to smell flowers, enjoy colours, see the same stars…………… yes, one would want to alleviate the sufferings of all who suffer, and one must try, but all have been given their own exam sheets, their own strengths and weaknesses, and their own capacity to bear the difficulties and forbearance, we just cannot judge of what we know and understand so little…………. What have the rich, healthy and successful people done to earn that state in which they’re in? Is it their birth-right? No, ofcourse not. We all have our lives to live, to touch others lives with our words and actions, and constantly strive for the better………. And our God-gifted conscience guides us and helps us know what’s right. Have faith, know that He exists, and pray in your heart that He shows you His way!
Holy Quran: Text and Context
Question: I agree with you about the unreliability of hadiths. The problem with relying on a Qur'an-alone approach, though, is that it is very difficult to know the context of what is written in the Qur'an. And I'm not sure you can understand a text if you don't know the context.
Answer: Knowing the context, and actually following the text are two different things. For example, if we are being told to not to lie, to be just, to take care of orphans, to speak in the best manner, to measure properly, to abstain from eating or drinking certain things, to establish prayers, what beliefs and deeds will lead to salvation, what will lead us to hell, we do not need to know the context. Such things transcend time, and are applicable to all people in all ages. Also, there are verses speaking of the nature and the signs in it, such things come under the domain of scientific thought and inquiry, and need no background regarding the context. Also, verses dealing with the unseen, those that we can only know of by what He has revealed also need no context…. If we believe the author to be the true God, then we must believe in what we are being told, that there is only one God, that there is heaven and hell, that we will be made to account for our deeds and actions, and that we will then live there eternally.
Then there are certain verses which deal specifically with a certain event, like Allah speaking about the battle of Uhud, and what actually happened. Okay, if one knows the history, that’s a plus, but even if one doesn’t know, the essential elements and the lessons to be learnt from it have been mentioned in the verses. Similarly, there is a lot of mention of other nations, especially the Children of Israel, how they were the favoured nation, how prophets kept coming to them, and what were the reasons [deeds] which led them ‘out of favour’. There is a strong message and reminder for all people, and especially muslims, as to what good deeds are, how important they are, and how important it is to continue being good. Also, the Quran presents the essentials of all such histories, such that the point is not missed or lost, and the irrelevant details of the story are omitted. Besides, a reading of other books tends to present a very distorted/immoral/strange picture of some prophets, something which to my mind just cannot be possible. Prophets are specifically hand-picked by God, and as such are the best of us. It is thus difficult to believe the picture presented in those books, which makes the rest of the content also questionable.
And since Allah says that this book is a guidance for mankind, and I believe Allah to be the true God, why should I consult other books. He tells me that this book contains guidance, and that I must believe that He has sent prophets and books to earlier generations, and I must respect all of them, then I must. He does not ask us to take guidance from books written by humans, thus I don’t.
Answer: Knowing the context, and actually following the text are two different things. For example, if we are being told to not to lie, to be just, to take care of orphans, to speak in the best manner, to measure properly, to abstain from eating or drinking certain things, to establish prayers, what beliefs and deeds will lead to salvation, what will lead us to hell, we do not need to know the context. Such things transcend time, and are applicable to all people in all ages. Also, there are verses speaking of the nature and the signs in it, such things come under the domain of scientific thought and inquiry, and need no background regarding the context. Also, verses dealing with the unseen, those that we can only know of by what He has revealed also need no context…. If we believe the author to be the true God, then we must believe in what we are being told, that there is only one God, that there is heaven and hell, that we will be made to account for our deeds and actions, and that we will then live there eternally.
Then there are certain verses which deal specifically with a certain event, like Allah speaking about the battle of Uhud, and what actually happened. Okay, if one knows the history, that’s a plus, but even if one doesn’t know, the essential elements and the lessons to be learnt from it have been mentioned in the verses. Similarly, there is a lot of mention of other nations, especially the Children of Israel, how they were the favoured nation, how prophets kept coming to them, and what were the reasons [deeds] which led them ‘out of favour’. There is a strong message and reminder for all people, and especially muslims, as to what good deeds are, how important they are, and how important it is to continue being good. Also, the Quran presents the essentials of all such histories, such that the point is not missed or lost, and the irrelevant details of the story are omitted. Besides, a reading of other books tends to present a very distorted/immoral/strange picture of some prophets, something which to my mind just cannot be possible. Prophets are specifically hand-picked by God, and as such are the best of us. It is thus difficult to believe the picture presented in those books, which makes the rest of the content also questionable.
And since Allah says that this book is a guidance for mankind, and I believe Allah to be the true God, why should I consult other books. He tells me that this book contains guidance, and that I must believe that He has sent prophets and books to earlier generations, and I must respect all of them, then I must. He does not ask us to take guidance from books written by humans, thus I don’t.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Allah is God, The Deity
Question: Please stop referring G-D to allah! allah is NOT G-D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a false G-D maybe; at best and yes the only way to eternal life is through JESUS CHRIST for he sent his only begotten sonhe was the final sacrificeto pay for all of our sins and the only way to reach the father is to reach Jesus,KNOW THAT HE PAID FOR YOUR SINS BY GRACE!
Answer: Allah is not a name specific to Islam…. The Arabic translations of the Bible refer to God as Allah. The word Allah was already in use in pre-islamic Arabia where the pagans used this term to refer to the highest deity.
Allah is Arabic concatenation of two words: Al meaning THE and ilah meaning DEITY, so it essentially means THE DEITY, commonly used by pre-islam Arabs to refer to the highest god. Quran uses the same term to refer to The Creator, the eternal being to whom worship is due..... the only difference between Islam and other religions' use of the word Allah is that, in Islam, Allah is the only deity, while others ascribe partners to Him.
Answer: Allah is not a name specific to Islam…. The Arabic translations of the Bible refer to God as Allah. The word Allah was already in use in pre-islamic Arabia where the pagans used this term to refer to the highest deity.
Allah is Arabic concatenation of two words: Al meaning THE and ilah meaning DEITY, so it essentially means THE DEITY, commonly used by pre-islam Arabs to refer to the highest god. Quran uses the same term to refer to The Creator, the eternal being to whom worship is due..... the only difference between Islam and other religions' use of the word Allah is that, in Islam, Allah is the only deity, while others ascribe partners to Him.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Ka'abah of Zoroaster

Located near Shiraz, Iran, the Ka'abah of Zoroaster at Naqsh-e-Rustum is strikingly similar to the Ka'abah at Makkah, Saudi Arabia.
Zoroaster (Greek Ζωροάστρης, Zōroastrēs) or Zarathushtra (Avestan: Zaraθuštra), also referred to as Zartosht (Persian: زرتشت), was an ancient Iranian prophet and the founder of Zoroastrianism, a religion that was the national religion of the Sassanid Empire of Persia; it is predominantly practiced today by the Parsi community......
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Isa is not a Hebrew name
Question: Y'Shua (Jesus) was a Hebrew, he was not and will never be anything other than a Hebrew. The name Isa is not a Hebrew name.
Answer: Ch3:45 [When the angels said: "O Mary, God gives you news of a thing from Him, for rejoicing, (news of one) whose name will be Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, illustrious in this world and the next, and one among the honoured,] (Translation by Ahmed Ali). Isa/Jesus may not be a Hebrew name; in this verse Allah tells us that He Himself named the child.
Answer: Ch3:45 [When the angels said: "O Mary, God gives you news of a thing from Him, for rejoicing, (news of one) whose name will be Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, illustrious in this world and the next, and one among the honoured,] (Translation by Ahmed Ali). Isa/Jesus may not be a Hebrew name; in this verse Allah tells us that He Himself named the child.
Source of the Quran
Question: The very first thing you should always do is look at the source of anything. The source was the new testament in the Bible. The Bible is thousands of years older than the Quran. The New Testament is 600 years older than the Quran. If you want to follow the one God you must learn all about him. The very oldest writings are not Quranic. Read the words of Y'Shua and you will hear of the love he had for you. And that we all are the children of our Father. Our Father does not say anywhere in the old or new testament that anyone is an infidel. To him anyone can be forgiven and loved. And our beloved Y'Shua so loved the world that he gave his precious life for us. In heaven they rejoice when a sinner turns to God. Not rejoice at ones death. God does not have us as slaves, he gave us free will like our own Father would. If God is Father to us all than we are all brothers and sisters to each other.
Answer: The source of Torah (Old Testament), Bible (New Testament) and Quran are all the same: Allah. He has sent Messengers, Prophets and Books for our guidance from time to time, because He loves us, and knows that we need help in this trial …. This life in this world…. and He repeatedly reminds us (specifically in the Holy Quran) that this is a temporary period of trial and then we shall be returned to an eternal life, and where we spend our eternity will depend on our beliefs, intents and deeds in the life of this world. Allah again and again calls people to repent….. To him anyone can be forgiven and loved! We all have time and opportunity to mend our ways, and purify our beliefs, thoughts and deeds. For help, He has blessed us with Holy Books. If you read the Holy Quran without any preconceived notions about Allah, Islam and Muslims, you will be surprised. The problem is, like all religions, the followers of Islam also do not adhere strictly to the Holy Book(Quran) sent for their guidance. Thus, they stray from the path, misinterpret verses out of context, and do things NOT ordained…. They may be causing pain and suffering to others, but the real loss is their own, as every soul will have to account for all its done, and that is because we have been given Free Will!
Answer: The source of Torah (Old Testament), Bible (New Testament) and Quran are all the same: Allah. He has sent Messengers, Prophets and Books for our guidance from time to time, because He loves us, and knows that we need help in this trial …. This life in this world…. and He repeatedly reminds us (specifically in the Holy Quran) that this is a temporary period of trial and then we shall be returned to an eternal life, and where we spend our eternity will depend on our beliefs, intents and deeds in the life of this world. Allah again and again calls people to repent….. To him anyone can be forgiven and loved! We all have time and opportunity to mend our ways, and purify our beliefs, thoughts and deeds. For help, He has blessed us with Holy Books. If you read the Holy Quran without any preconceived notions about Allah, Islam and Muslims, you will be surprised. The problem is, like all religions, the followers of Islam also do not adhere strictly to the Holy Book(Quran) sent for their guidance. Thus, they stray from the path, misinterpret verses out of context, and do things NOT ordained…. They may be causing pain and suffering to others, but the real loss is their own, as every soul will have to account for all its done, and that is because we have been given Free Will!
Books of the People of the Book
Question: If you study the Quran and have not studied the Torah, or the New Testament how can you say you are a scholar? The Quran as I read it speaks about the people of the book many, many times. Read the books of those People.
Answer: Did I call myself a scholar? No, I’m just a plain muslim who likes to discuss religion to understand the reasons behind other peoples’ conviction and faith in their religion, and shares her understanding and faith, as I believe we all are, indeed, here in this group, for a common cause, in pursuit of knowledge. By the way, I have read both The Old Testament and The New Testament. In the very beginning of the Quran, we are told that this book(the Quran) is a guidance for those who are pious…. And the definition of pious that follows includes faith in the revelations on Muhammad, and those before Muhammad, so you see, it is mandatory upon us to believe in, respect and honour all prophets, messengers and holy books. But, we are also told that, over time humans have made changes in those books, and that we will have to use the Quran as the measure of truth when studying those books. Thus, we accept all that is in accordance with the Quran….. for instance, Jesus says that He has come to confirm the Law, the Quran confirms this so we believe that Jesus was indeed sent as a prophet to the Jews to confirm the Laws, and to explain the wisdom of it.
Answer: Did I call myself a scholar? No, I’m just a plain muslim who likes to discuss religion to understand the reasons behind other peoples’ conviction and faith in their religion, and shares her understanding and faith, as I believe we all are, indeed, here in this group, for a common cause, in pursuit of knowledge. By the way, I have read both The Old Testament and The New Testament. In the very beginning of the Quran, we are told that this book(the Quran) is a guidance for those who are pious…. And the definition of pious that follows includes faith in the revelations on Muhammad, and those before Muhammad, so you see, it is mandatory upon us to believe in, respect and honour all prophets, messengers and holy books. But, we are also told that, over time humans have made changes in those books, and that we will have to use the Quran as the measure of truth when studying those books. Thus, we accept all that is in accordance with the Quran….. for instance, Jesus says that He has come to confirm the Law, the Quran confirms this so we believe that Jesus was indeed sent as a prophet to the Jews to confirm the Laws, and to explain the wisdom of it.
Why is Y'Shua worshipped?
Question: …. Can you say that God himself could not do this? He can do anything! The healing miracles that Y'Shua did were they not the same as Eliyahu (Elija)? But Elija is not worshiped today. Why is that? Enoch was raised to heaven why is he not worshiped? Y'Shua must be different then in some way.....
Answer: God can do anything. He is All-Powerful, All-Encompassing. He gave a miraculous conception, He let Jesus speak from the cradle, with His permission, Jesus was able to perform a lot of miracles. But, He has also given free will to humans, if some or many or even all choose to worship Jesus instead of God, God will not force any to revert to Monotheism….. remember this is a place of trial, we have been given Books containing guidance, Prophets warning us, a Conscience telling us what is right and what just cannot be right, and the Free Will to choose our own destiny, the destiny for eternity!
Answer: God can do anything. He is All-Powerful, All-Encompassing. He gave a miraculous conception, He let Jesus speak from the cradle, with His permission, Jesus was able to perform a lot of miracles. But, He has also given free will to humans, if some or many or even all choose to worship Jesus instead of God, God will not force any to revert to Monotheism….. remember this is a place of trial, we have been given Books containing guidance, Prophets warning us, a Conscience telling us what is right and what just cannot be right, and the Free Will to choose our own destiny, the destiny for eternity!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Violence, Pain, Death
Question: It is clear from the fossil record, and nearly two centuries of examination and interpretation by paleontologists, that long before the human species existed, pain, suffering and death were present on this planet. The earliest amphibians, their successors the dinosaurs, and the mammals that roamed the earth before humankind suffered sickness, pain and death. They killed and ate each other. In fact, even before the vertebrates, the earliest microbes were killing and preying on each other.How could humans be responsible for a situation that predated their very existence?On the larger, cosmological scale, the universe(s) of which we are aware include galaxies millions of light years away from us, whose light is only now reaching us. Astronomers tell us that numberless suns, and even galaxies, have been destroyed in cataclysms of violence in the past, that perhaps millions of planets with life forms have been erased in violence and, obviously, pain. All of this long before people existed. How are we responsible for this?It seems that violence on a vast scale, pain and death have been part of the universe all along. We, a species present on planet earth for such a short period, can hardly be called responsible for it.Whatever organizing principle, force or creative energy lies behind all that is–in other words, God–seems responsible. Is God then a monster? Does this organizing principle, which basic logic insists must exist, create life, beauty and all that is good only to subsequently destroy it?Why are most species forced to kill in order to eat? Why do predators such as lions, foxes or hawks have to rend and tear creatures, causing great fear and pain, in order simply to survive? Why do humans have to do so? Why did God create a situation in which every thing that lives must kill other things to live, and ultimately end its own existence in pain and suffering?The idea of original sin seems to me a very feeble and inadequate excuse for all of this. What answers do members of this list–especially those who are people of the book (Jews, Christians and Muslims)--offer? Could you point me to passages in any scriptures that deal with it? I've found some passages in the Upanishads, for example, that touch on it. Where in the Old and New Testaments, Torah, the Holy Koran and Hadith, etc. might I find it discussed?
Answer: Species [are forced to] kill in order to survive is because we are all part of the great Circle of Life….. Allah, in His infinite wisdom, has created bio-degradable substances essential for the survival of all who inhabit Earth, for the sake of survival and sustenance of planet Earth itself. Carnivores eat animals, Herbivores eat plants[which are also living things], Plants get sustenance from the nutrients in the soil, sunlight, air and water, and so the circle continues. Why is killing to eat such a repulsive idea, whereas breaking off plant parts to eat is not? Are plants any less living than animals? In fact, as muslims, we are ordered to pronounce the name of Allah on food, especially when slaughtering an animal, to remind ourselves of the sacredness of life and this blessing of food that we are receiving from Allah.We humans begin/build/make/start a lot of things, and then end them as well…… you think it is wrong to do so? From a divine standpoint, I guess the Creator who creates life has every right to take it back as well. Besides, He is also promising us eternal life in the Hereafter, which, you know is more scary, in case we end up in Hell instead of Heaven………. This life of a century or less seems nothing compared to eternity! If He has been kind enough to give us guidance as to how to live this life in order to be successful in the hereafter, I think we should grab the chance, and be grateful.While dwelling on the bio-degradable, how would it have been if FOOD were to have been inorganic objects, example minerals from the soil? Would we then have to be rooted to the earth to get nourishment? Or, if we had to mine our food? Or, maybe, synthetic food that we had to manufacture, like plastic? In that case, how would pre-technology people survive? And how would it affect the environment? How long would planet Earth and its inhabitants survive? Let us not try to judge the Creator.
Answer: Species [are forced to] kill in order to survive is because we are all part of the great Circle of Life….. Allah, in His infinite wisdom, has created bio-degradable substances essential for the survival of all who inhabit Earth, for the sake of survival and sustenance of planet Earth itself. Carnivores eat animals, Herbivores eat plants[which are also living things], Plants get sustenance from the nutrients in the soil, sunlight, air and water, and so the circle continues. Why is killing to eat such a repulsive idea, whereas breaking off plant parts to eat is not? Are plants any less living than animals? In fact, as muslims, we are ordered to pronounce the name of Allah on food, especially when slaughtering an animal, to remind ourselves of the sacredness of life and this blessing of food that we are receiving from Allah.We humans begin/build/make/start a lot of things, and then end them as well…… you think it is wrong to do so? From a divine standpoint, I guess the Creator who creates life has every right to take it back as well. Besides, He is also promising us eternal life in the Hereafter, which, you know is more scary, in case we end up in Hell instead of Heaven………. This life of a century or less seems nothing compared to eternity! If He has been kind enough to give us guidance as to how to live this life in order to be successful in the hereafter, I think we should grab the chance, and be grateful.While dwelling on the bio-degradable, how would it have been if FOOD were to have been inorganic objects, example minerals from the soil? Would we then have to be rooted to the earth to get nourishment? Or, if we had to mine our food? Or, maybe, synthetic food that we had to manufacture, like plastic? In that case, how would pre-technology people survive? And how would it affect the environment? How long would planet Earth and its inhabitants survive? Let us not try to judge the Creator.
Original Sin
Question: Many religions, including those of the “people of the book,” posit an “original sin” as the explanation for why and how suffering, pain and death entered into creation. The theory is that humans (symbolized in Adam and Eve) somehow caused it by their fall from grace in paradise.
Answer:The Holy Quran presents a very different picture from what the Christian belief is, even though, unfortunately, many muslims also somehow tend to understand this in biblical terms, as it has come to be the popular belief. According to the Quran, we are all here for a trial period, will be raised after death and will be judged on the basis of all our intents and deeds, big and small, and then live forever, either in the gardens[jannat] of Heaven, or in Hell, or as Allah wills. Humans, specifically, Adam and Eve, are not the cause of our pain, suffering and death. It is but the way Allah has chosen to design our trial period on Earth. Each and every person is responsible for his/her own actions, and all things happen according to Allah’s plan. All we can do is intend and try to make something happen. But, what actually happens, is what Allah has decreed. Which is why we will not be judged on the results, but rather on our intents and actions. Adam was created as a vice-regent/messenger for Earth………… for whom??? Fossil records indicate there were humans pre-dating Adam. We have discussed this also at You’re welcome to join.You can also check out why I do not think man is central to creation at my blog:
Answer:The Holy Quran presents a very different picture from what the Christian belief is, even though, unfortunately, many muslims also somehow tend to understand this in biblical terms, as it has come to be the popular belief. According to the Quran, we are all here for a trial period, will be raised after death and will be judged on the basis of all our intents and deeds, big and small, and then live forever, either in the gardens[jannat] of Heaven, or in Hell, or as Allah wills. Humans, specifically, Adam and Eve, are not the cause of our pain, suffering and death. It is but the way Allah has chosen to design our trial period on Earth. Each and every person is responsible for his/her own actions, and all things happen according to Allah’s plan. All we can do is intend and try to make something happen. But, what actually happens, is what Allah has decreed. Which is why we will not be judged on the results, but rather on our intents and actions. Adam was created as a vice-regent/messenger for Earth………… for whom??? Fossil records indicate there were humans pre-dating Adam. We have discussed this also at You’re welcome to join.You can also check out why I do not think man is central to creation at my blog:
Story of Jesus
Question: Can anybody explain how was Mary/Maryam mother of Jesus/Isa a.s become pregnant??how long is the period of her pregnancy till she gave birth to her child Isa ibn Maryam??How about if we compare this story or we can say a history to this day when we heard a virgin woman become pregnant because of an angel sent by Allah to her n then she gave birth to a child?? would our next generations have faith to the story??
Answer: According to the Holy Quran, --- Chapter 3 Verse 59: "Verily the likeness of Isa, with Allah is as the likeness of Adam; him He created out of dust, thereafter He said unto him: Be, and lo! he becometh"Just like Allah created Adam without parents, so Allah created Jesus(Isa) without a father. Faith in a story depends on faith in the truthfulness of the source. If somebody believes Allah to be the true creator, Muhammad to be the appointed messenger, and the Holy Quran to be the word of Allah revealed to Muhammad for the guidance of mankind, then that person will have no problem believing the story of Jesus’ miraculous birth.You can read what Allah has to say regarding this in Chapter 3, Verses 35-62 This link will show you comparative translations of the original Arabic text:
Answer: According to the Holy Quran, --- Chapter 3 Verse 59: "Verily the likeness of Isa, with Allah is as the likeness of Adam; him He created out of dust, thereafter He said unto him: Be, and lo! he becometh"Just like Allah created Adam without parents, so Allah created Jesus(Isa) without a father. Faith in a story depends on faith in the truthfulness of the source. If somebody believes Allah to be the true creator, Muhammad to be the appointed messenger, and the Holy Quran to be the word of Allah revealed to Muhammad for the guidance of mankind, then that person will have no problem believing the story of Jesus’ miraculous birth.You can read what Allah has to say regarding this in Chapter 3, Verses 35-62 This link will show you comparative translations of the original Arabic text:
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
A Good God sends people to eternal damnation?
Question: I certainly do not "believe" that a Good God sends people to eternal damnation or "hell"................that kind of cruel "god" is not "love
Answer: God forbid, but just suppose, somebody robs, loots, rapes or murders you or your loved ones, how would you react? What would you demand? Will you find it in your heart to forgive this person, and let him live happily ever after? No, you would demand justice, anybody would, definitely, and immediately! God is kind enough to give us a life time to repent and mend our ways………… but it would not serve the purpose of justice if, after a lifetime of piety and obedience, of justice and fairplay, of honesty and sacrifice, of love, charity and compassion, the pious and the sinners all go to heaven…………. How would the millions who suffered at the hands of criminals in this world feel if all the criminals ended in heaven?
And don’t good doctors prescribe medicines which good people take to rid their bodies of harmful bacteria and viruses?
Don’t good people use pesticide to keep their houses pest-free?
Don’t good legislators make appropriate laws to deal with the criminals in society?
Don’t good cops try and prevent criminal activities, and arrest suspects?
Answer: God forbid, but just suppose, somebody robs, loots, rapes or murders you or your loved ones, how would you react? What would you demand? Will you find it in your heart to forgive this person, and let him live happily ever after? No, you would demand justice, anybody would, definitely, and immediately! God is kind enough to give us a life time to repent and mend our ways………… but it would not serve the purpose of justice if, after a lifetime of piety and obedience, of justice and fairplay, of honesty and sacrifice, of love, charity and compassion, the pious and the sinners all go to heaven…………. How would the millions who suffered at the hands of criminals in this world feel if all the criminals ended in heaven?
And don’t good doctors prescribe medicines which good people take to rid their bodies of harmful bacteria and viruses?
Don’t good people use pesticide to keep their houses pest-free?
Don’t good legislators make appropriate laws to deal with the criminals in society?
Don’t good cops try and prevent criminal activities, and arrest suspects?
Beliefs of the Mind
Question: I know the "beliefs" of Islam, just as i know the "beliefs" of Christianity..............but, they are "beliefs of the mind"..........and, what one "believes" is not proof or actually "knowable".............not facts, but what one chooses to accept as "truth" many contradictions in both Islam and Christianity............too many things in both that are based on myth or legend.............thus, the pronouncements of both are suspect and i cannot accept them as "divine"................i cannot hold to the "beliefs" of either
Answer: Beliefs are belief only unless they can stand a myriad of tests and still remain valid. The source of Islamic beliefs is the Holy Quran. If this book is from God, then it must be scientifically, mathematically, morally, ethically, historically, linguistically correct and true. It has proven to be so. Thus, we take it as the source of guidance. There is a myriad of other [Islamic] literature that is indeed contradictory, confusing and at times, one wonders how can it be from God…… thus we cannot, should not and do not take them as books of guidance….. after all, all those books are works of humans, not God. Only the Arabic Quran is the exact word of God.
Answer: Beliefs are belief only unless they can stand a myriad of tests and still remain valid. The source of Islamic beliefs is the Holy Quran. If this book is from God, then it must be scientifically, mathematically, morally, ethically, historically, linguistically correct and true. It has proven to be so. Thus, we take it as the source of guidance. There is a myriad of other [Islamic] literature that is indeed contradictory, confusing and at times, one wonders how can it be from God…… thus we cannot, should not and do not take them as books of guidance….. after all, all those books are works of humans, not God. Only the Arabic Quran is the exact word of God.
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